Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Uncivil Servant

There are three things that lead to success in Civil Services: Hard work, hard work and more hard work. The competition is intense. You have to be very knowlegeable, resonably intelligent and totally prepared. If all works out for you, you finally face the interview and if you're selected for any one of the services (IAS, IPS and IFS), you are considered "creme" stuff :)
You work that hard to earn that title of a "civil servant". Of course these days you can't trust servants so much, they commit all kinds of wrong doings. Let's pick the case of one such civil servant. The ex-Haryana DGP, S.P.S Rathore.

Now let's check out what this civil-servant is guilty of?

Nineteen years ago in 1990, when he was serving, he molested Ruchika, a thirteen year old girl!
Wait there's more! he got her suspended from CLTA (Chandigarh Lawn Tennis Association), got her expelled from school, got eleven cases slapped against her brother, got her father to sell off his property in Panchkula and got five cases filed against the victim herself.
The girl committed suicide three years later.

With a "massive: fine one thousand rupees and a "rigorous imprisonment" of six months, the CBI thinks it has done justice.

Who was his his attorney? His own wife, Mrs. Rathore. A formidable team of a lawyer and an IPS officer against the (now older) friend of a dead 13 year old, the competition seems unevenly matched. The Smile on Mrs. Rathore's face (as seen in the local newspaper)proudly displayed the satisfaction she received after her victory over a few pounds of flesh that were burnt in 1993. The flesh, her client, life-partner and possibly father of her children touched everywhere, the hands that should've been locked for good in manacles. To think that there's any conscience residing in Mrs. Rathore would be definitely a wrong conception.
Six months and a thousand bucks (that's like USD 20) is a good enough punishment, so feels the CBI special magistrate, J. S. Sidhu.

CBI loses nothing but the common man's trust (huh! Yeah! like they're bothered)
Rathore's win.
Ruchika loses, but what more can you lose than life.
Another muddy shoe in our room that we'll toss aside.

Keep yourself in Ruchika's shoes for a while and think of all that happened, put yourself in her families shoes, put yourself in her friend's shoes. With people like John Fernandes and S.P.S. Rathore running the show, no one is safe.

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