Wednesday, March 07, 2018


Global warming? Do we even understand what stats we’re looking at. We’re destroying the forests at an alarming rate around the world, especially where there are no stringent regulations to save the forest, which is most of the underdeveloped and developing world.

We love the fuel hungry sports cars. The MotoGP is big, I love it too but I wonder if I should. When a normal car puts around 4.75 metric tons of CO2 in the atmosphere annually, how much do other fuel hungry power vehicles put out? Then there’re companies like Volkswagen, who have actively tried to cheat the emission norms but got caught. All car manufacturers have been using loopholes in the environment protection acts around the world.

  • On an average, one regular car pumps out 4,800 Kgs of CO2 per year into the environment

  • On An average, one tree can take out around 5 kgs of CO2 per year from the environment

Why do they have to spend so much on advertising and on making every effort to make that box on wheels more luxurious to make you feel like kings and queens. Why does Coke have to spend so much on advertising? Does drinking it make you any better? Isn’t it leading to a huge amount of health issues around the world? Where are we gonna stop? When are we gonna stop? There have to be better alternatives. Tesla, get something here for the common man. Now you also have to think about where your electricity is coming from. Much of it is from thermal powerstations that burn coal, now someone send the stats for how much a thermal power station of a certain capacity pump out what amount of CO2 in the air. We’ve all been imprisoned for good.

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