Friday, May 23, 2014


Having attained perhaps the highest degree in education, PhD, I reflect on what was the most important part of my stint with education and what were the most important lessons learnt.

Which part of education did I really enjoy through the time I was studying? -- I think that would be PhD. I gave me the freedom to think and explore for myself. I was never one who could forge interest in something I wasn't inclined to know, therefore school and college, where we Indian kids are burdened with everything there is to know in the world, didn't go quite as well. I loved literature (both Hindi and English), geography, biology and physics. I gradually lost interest in Physics because of my compromised mathematics. I could never make sense of what we were doing in maths. I could only relate to the world of the living and the what could be shown to directly affect them. 

Of course I knew maths was important but in my environment it was only important because if you were good in maths, you could pursue an engineering degree and go on to earn lots of money quickly; that explanation was enough for me to lose interest in it. Then in senior school I couldn't understand differential calculus and everybody around me was happily cramming formulas and scoring big. I couldn't understand what to do with the damn thing. How the hell will I ever use differentiation in the living world? Of course if became clearer that it was using in deriving many fundamental formulas of sciences (later I found that even biological ones) but at that time even the formulas were a means to an end. To cram them, do speedy calculations and score good grades...which again was a means to an end to become a medical doctor or an engineer. Oh Boy! Have I been lost. PhD gave me a chance to reflect on it all. Though it kept me occupied enough to not give quality time to learn some things that began to fancy, like calculus but it kept the fascination alive and flamed my interest further. I'm very thankful to the internet and to documentary makers like the BBC, which bring the biographies of great scientists, statesmen, hermits, photographers, god (?!). Watching these humbled me quite a bit as I learnt that most of these people never had it easy and/or were bordering insanity. Einstein, Eastman Kodak, Tesla, Newton are some examples and there are so many more. 

Of course PhD itself has it's fair share of the rat-race, i.e. publishing papers. I kept myself immune to the temptation while working on a difficult project. This was much to the convenience of my supervisor who was under no pressure to get my authorship in a paper, neither from his side and nor mine. Past PhD aged 34, I've been brought to my knees and I accept that this is not the way the world works. Now I'm at it, working for a paper. I accept that people are horribly selfish and that if I allow myself to be the sacrificial lamb, people will que up to slit my throat.

Did I need a PhD to learn this lesson? No, rather it delayed the lesson. 

Will I become horribly selfish like many others around me? I'm tempted to but I won't. I'd rather climb up the ladder and then get these people to mend their ways (those that I'll come across). Who knows how high I'll go, all I know is that I want to and when I want to, I do.

Monday, May 12, 2014


  I'm sure there are several exceptions to this generalization but then there are many who'd qualify too; my guess is that a majority of Indian parents do.

  They're competitive: my kids must be better than others in every activity (understandable, they think their genes are the best). They're insecure, so they brainwash their kids as much as they can, to follow their ideologies and philosophies of life.They plant thoughts into their children's head about their own beliefs. Every thing that the kid does, which is acceptable to them is rewarded and this reinforced. Though this is kinda understandable, in event of a son/daughter differing in his/her beliefs is penalized in certain ways, explicitly stated or carried out silently.

  Indian parents, many of them, are sickening when it comes to matters of money and property. They attempt to get things done by their children in lieu of a promise (explicitly made or implied) what they'll leave behind for them. Brought up in such a system, it is obviously a big deal for Indian kids (by kids I mean anyone alive at any age who has a living parent that owns a property or a certain sum of money that he/she considers sufficient to lure someone into doing something for the promise of owning it one day). Not unnatural for money worshippers, who try and gauge most things in terms of wealth.

  Indian parents love money, they teach their kids to love money and finally show em what all they can have it from doing what the parents expect them to. You're expected to make the biggest choices of your life according their whims and wishes and whoever does not, stands to lose the inheritance or a certain part of it. If parents wanna leave anything behind for their children (if at all), it should be handed down to everybody equally, whether a son or a daughter, irrespective of what your beliefs are, so long as you know that your son/daughter is not doing anything unlawful.

  Son's stick around with their parents as much for the inheritance as for the love (if any), while some daughters and their families eye the moolah as well. Indian parents know all that well and influence their children's thoughts and action as much as they can. All the while they keep singing songs about how much they've done for their kids, as if it was a debt that has to returned, not the love for your father or for your mother. Indian kids are born into the slavery of the wishes and expectations of their parents and their society, most of them do well and carry on with the tradition.

  What shameless double-crosses and sickening sycophants. I understand that money is important but making an Altar for it changes the game quite a bit doesn't it.