Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Peripheral knowledge

I was searching for some information on the protein that I’m working on: Epo, when a silly idea struck me.
“Why don’t I search the key words “Motorcycle” in Pubmed (the biological science citation database)?
To my (pleasant) surprise, the key word hit 1,995 results!
As I skimmed throught the articles, I saw that they indeed were related to medical science and statistical analysis to be more precise but the fact is that some of these articles can be an eye opener for a layman as well.
Here are the titles of some of the articles:
Motorcycles and goats.
Ueffing E.
Maxillofacial injuries in a group of Brazilian subjects under 18 years of age.
Road traffic injuries among middle school students in a rural area of China.
Accident-related risk behaviors associated with motivations for motorcycle use in Iran: a country with very high traffic deaths.
The prevalence of drugs and alcohol found in road traffic fatalities: a comparative study of victims.
A mixed logit analysis of motorists' right-of-way violation in motorcycle accidents at priority T-junctions.
An analysis of motorcycle helmet use in fatal crashes.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
The burden of motorcycle-related neuro-trauma in Ireland and associated helmet usage.

The ENTREZ search engine also suggested the following key words to search:
Also try:
motorcycle accidents
motorcycle injury
helmet motorcycle
motorcycle trauma
motorcycle riders

As I altered the search words to “Motorcycle riding”, I hit 130 articles, some of which are:

Patterns of risky behaviors associated with methamphetamine use among young Thai adults: a latent class analysis.
A case of abdominal aortic injury caused by a traffic accident.
Characteristics of back pain among commercial drivers and motorcyclists in Lagos, Nigeria.
Barriers to, and factors associated, with observed motorcycle helmet use in Vietnam.
Paediatric motorbike injuries: do children riding motorbikes get the same injuries as those riding bicycles?
Heart rate and blood lactate concentration of male road-race motorcyclists.
Neurologic injuries in cycling and bike riding.
Kennedy J.
Dupatta (scarf): a unique cause of cervical spine injury in females.
Jain V, Agrawal M, Dabas V, Kashyap A, Sural S, Dhal A.

Exploring the economics of motorcycle helmet laws--implications for low and middle-income countries.

Helmets for preventing injury in motorcycle riders.
Hazards of bicycling: from handlebars to lightning.Hazards of bicycling: from handlebars to lightning.
Neurologic injuries in cycling and bike riding.Neurologic injuries in cycling and bike riding.

Related articles
ReviewHelmets for preventing injury in motorcycle riders.
ReviewHelmets for preventing head and facial injuries in bicyclists.
ReviewSpeed enforcement detection devices for preventing road traffic injuries.
The impact of two related prevention strategies on head injury reduction among nonfatally injured motorcycle riders, California, 1991-1993.
The prevalence of non-standard helmet use and head injuries among

Wish I had the time to read them all. I did go through 2 of them, they were quite interesting. I’ll selectively read a few more when I get time.

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